Sultan Care Guide

Chickens are not all built the same, so when you're looking for chickens, its important to consider the care requirements before breed selection. Here, we are going to go over some important things you need to know before you decide if you want to add Sultan chickens to your flock.

First, you probably won't be able to add them to your existing flock. Sultans are a delicate breed. They are incredibly docile and prone to being bullied. They will not defend all. Plan on keeping them on their own, or grow them out with other docile breeds like Silkies. 

Second, these are not free rangers. Sultans have very limited vision and do not do well outside of a protected space. They will be the first to get eaten by predator, and leaving them out overnight is a guaranteed death sentence.

Third, they need to stay warm and dry. Their heavily feathered feet can become problematic if they are exposed to cold or wetness for any extended amount of time. You must make sure they have a space to get up off the ground and a covered run area.

Fourth, They need a clean run and coop. You will likely have to clean double if you have Sultans. Their white feathers get dirty fast and their feet collect poop like nobodies business. Keeping the coop clean cuts down on infections and illness, plus keeps them looking prettier longer.

And Last, they don't go broody. Nope, these chickens generally don't have a motherly bone in their body. They are not proficient layers, but when they do lay, it will be anywhere they want in their feeder, on your lap, while walking around, or right in the middle of the coop. And then they leave. If you want your Sultans to have fluffy babies, you will need to incubate, or volunteer a broody hen to adopt your eggs. We have our Silkies hatch everyone's eggs since there is ALWAYS a broody Silkie somewhere on our farm. 

Now you may be thinking "Why on Earth would I want Sultans? They seem like a lot of work!"...and you'd be right, BUT they have huge positives which are quite convincing.

For instance, Sultans are pretty rare. They are actually critically endangered with only about 1,000 true Sultans in existence today, so raising Sultans help to conserve the breed. If you show chickens, this is a major plus as well. Their scarcity makes them the "talk of the ball" at every county fair.

Add to that the fact that they are more than friendly, they are extremely loving. I thought Silkies were the sweetest chickens in existence until I got my Sultans. Sultans put Silkies to shame when it comes to sweetness.  I love going to the Sultan coop each day and watching them rush up to the coop door. Are they looking for food? Nope, they are there to see me. As soon as that door opens, I'm engulfed by Sultans each waiting their turn to be picked up and cuddled. Even my rooster, Pierre, is ultra cuddly. He will push every one of his hens to the side and put his head into my hand so he can get his pets. Because of this gentle nature, Sultans make amazing house chickens, 4-H chickens, and the perfect first chicken for children.

I may sound bias, and that's because I am. Even with all the extra care Sultans need to stay alive, I wouldn't trade my Sultan flock for anything. If you are willing to give a little extra care, the love and joy you get in return pays tenfold. 

