Welcome to our farm...
Let us introduce ourselves! Our names are David and Jessica and we (along with our children) run an urban homestead in Kenansville Florida. We sold EVERYTHING, and left the city in search of something more for our family. We bought a nice little slice of quiet out in the country and started really thinking about what's important to us... how do we want to "make our mark" on this place we call Earth? We had SUCH a long list, but at the end of it all, we decided that we would combine our love of holistic life, chickens, and shopping for cool old stuff. Hence, Vintage Cluckers was born...
If you want to find out more about our journey, check out our blog or YouTube Channel!

Eggs to Hatch!
Hatch your own fancy chickens! We have an awesome selection of eggs ready to incubate. We collect eggs fresh and check fertility regularly to ensure great hatches!

Chicken Math not Mathin'?
The correct answer is ALWAYS more chickens! Need to up those flock numbers? Check out our chicks and chickens ready to call your place home.